
Kitchen Tips: How Pre-Baking Pie Shells will Save you Time!

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As summer comes to a close, and the beauty of fall is on the horizon, we need to remember that there is still plenty of time to stay outdoors, invite some friends over and have some really spectacular get-togethers!

The kicker is that we have such little time – especially if we are tending a garden (which means harvesting and putting up veggies and fruits), getting kids off to school,  as well as work and dealing with day-to-day activities.  But, don’t fret!  Here is an easy make-ahead trick which will allow you to create a last minute dessert or even a quick appetizer!

Prebaking a few tart shells (or even full sized pie shells) are a great way to eliminate a step when you are prepping for dinner or organinzing a last minute gathering with friends.

Keeping them on hand will save you a few minutes and let you be a bit creative by using things from your pantry or fridge/freezer to create a unique dish.

Give it a shot this weekend…and let me know what crazy creations you come up with!!


First of all, use this pie crust recipe or even store bought pastry crust.

Place the rolled crust into tart pans (or even muffin tins!!).


Now, blind bake it so you have empty shells to work with whenever you like!

Keep them in a non-humid place (even in an open paper bag on your counter) and they will last 5-6 days.

You can scoop some ice cream into it and pour over some caramelized peaches (just cook brown sugar and butter – 2 tablespoons of each – until it becomes a caramel and then add cut up peaces and warm through)…look at how luscious it looks:

Kitchen Tips: How Pre-Baking Pie Shells will Save you Time! Just Crumbs Blog by Suzie Durigon


If you don’t have a sweet tooth, fill the shells with a layer tomatoes at the peak of freshness, then slices of fresh mozzarella and a sprinkling of thinly sliced basil.  Wouldn’t that be pretty??

OR how about a layer or whipped goat cheese and a topping of sauteed swiss chard?

Ohhh…the possibilities are endless!

What are you gonna create today??